Tom Riddle and Voldemort One Character in the World of Harry Potter

Voldemort's Wand: A Dark Legacy

The wand belonging to Tom Riddle, famously known as Voldemort, measured thirteen-and-a-half inches and was made from the dark, sturdy wood of a yew tree. At its heart was a phoenix feather core, sourced from none other than Fawkes, the phoenix under the care of Albus Dumbledore. This same phoenix provided a feather for Harry Potter's wand as well, linking the two wands as mystical siblings.

Garrick Ollivander, the esteemed wandmaker, was the creator of a wand that became inextricably linked with Harry's fate through a shared magical core, a bond of profound mystical significance.

Garrick Ollivander the Creator of Wands from Harry Potter

In Tom Riddle's grasp, this wand was the instrument of unfathomable darkness, responsible for the demise of James and Lily Potter, along with numerous other innocent lives. Victims of its curse included the Muggle Frank Bryce, Amelia Bones, a respected official at the Ministry of Magic, and Bertha Jorkins, a ministry employee who met her end under its spell. In a grim episode in June of 1995, commanded by Voldemort, Peter Pettigrew used this very wand in a dreadful act that claimed the life of Cedric Diggory, marking a pivotal moment in the wizarding world's history.

The Beginning of the Story

In the year 1938, Tom Riddle, at the tender age of eleven, made his way into the bustling Diagon Alley, an event marking the beginning of his dark journey. Within the walls of Ollivanders, a wand of yew, thirteen and a half inches long with a core of phoenix feather, seemed to choose him, sealing a destiny that would echo in infamy throughout the wizarding realm. This very wand, signifying the bond between Riddle and his future, would carve a path of dread and power, notorious in wizarding history.

The Dark Transformation

While many at Hogwarts were deceived by Riddle's outward charm, Dumbledore was not fooled. He perceived the shadows lurking within Riddle, recognizing the danger he posed long before it became apparent to others, always cautious of the path Riddle was treading.

Kind Wizard Dumbledore from Harry Potter

The summer of 1943 was a pivotal moment. Driven by a quest for revenge against his estranged father, Tom Riddle Sr., who had left him and his mother years ago, Riddle traveled to Little Hangleton. There, after learning the full extent of his family's history from his uncle Morfin Gaunt, Riddle used the wand to incapacitate Morfin before committing a heinous act with Morfin's wand — the murder of his own Muggle father and grandparents, cleverly framing Morfin for the crime to elude Ministry detection. In a chilling act of premeditation, he then altered Morfin's memory to cover his tracks, securing his escape with a stolen family heirloom, the Gaunt Ring.

This period was just the beginning of Riddle's dark crusade, as he adopted the moniker Lord Voldemort, distancing himself from his "Muggle" heritage. His obsession with immortality led him down the path of Horcruxes, using his wand to create one from his childhood diary — a direct result of the indirect murder of Myrtle Warren through the Chamber of Secrets' Basilisk. His inquiries with Slughorn about multiple Horcruxes hinted at his grand, dark ambition to fragment his soul into seven parts, ensuring his dominion over death.

Post-Hogwarts, Voldemort didn't hesitate to employ his wand in the darkest of magics, crafting Horcruxes from his murders to safeguard his existence. His return to Hogwarts, seeking the Defence Against the Dark Arts position, was a facade for darker intentions, thwarted by Dumbledore. In retaliation, Voldemort cursed the position, ensuring no teacher would last beyond a year.

Voldemort with a Magic Wand
The Start of Voldemort's War

Denied his desired position at Hogwarts, Voldemort didn't just retreat; he declared a merciless war on the magical realm, aiming to seize eternal dominion. His wand, an instrument in his dark arsenal, was wielded with lethal precision, casting unforgivable curses against anyone who stood in his path. As the war raged, the wand's legacy darkened, a stark departure from its innocent beginnings in the hands of a young Tom Riddle.

The Tragedy of the Potters

In the year 1980, propelled by a prophecy heard through Severus Snape, Voldemort learned of a child who posed a threat to his reign. The prophecy, only partially understood, led him to target the Potter family, forcing them into hiding within Godric's Hollow, shielded by magic until betrayal by Peter Pettigrew, who sought Voldemort's favor.

On a haunting Halloween night in 1981, Voldemort breached the Potter's sanctuary. He swiftly overcame James Potter and confronted Lily Potter, who died protecting Harry. Her ultimate sacrifice cast a protective spell over Harry, one that Voldemort couldn't overcome. His attempt to eliminate Harry backfired catastrophically, demolishing his physical form and inadvertently binding a fragment of his soul to Harry, creating an accidental Horcrux.

Little Harry Potter and His Scar

The Wand's Journey Post-Fall

In the rubble of the Potter's home, Voldemort's wand was misplaced but not forgotten. Peter Pettigrew later recovered it, concealing it away to evade detection and prevent it from revealing his betrayal. Hidden for twelve years, the wand awaited its reunion with Voldemort, marking a chilling pause in its tale of darkness and betrayal.

A Wand Finds Its Master Again

In the summer of 1994, Peter Pettigrew's days of hiding as a rat came to an abrupt end thanks to Sirius Black and Remus Lupin, his old friends who nearly ended his life for betraying the Potters and falsely accusing Sirius of crimes Pettigrew had committed. This act landed Sirius in Azkaban for over a decade. Yet, Harry Potter stepped in, suggesting they hand Pettigrew to the Dementors to vindicate Sirius, creating an unexpected bond of life debt between Pettigrew and Harry.

But fate took a turn when Lupin transformed into a werewolf, allowing Pettigrew to slip away. He scurried off to reunite with Voldemort, aiding in his dark resurgence, under the dim glow of flying candles, which eerily floated above the shadows as dark forces began to gather again.

Pettigrew retrieved Voldemort's wand from its hiding place and tracked down the weakened Dark Lord in Albania. Together, they crafted a basic form for Voldemort, marking the wand's return to its master since the disaster at Godric's Hollow. Pettigrew's next act was capturing Bertha Jorkins for Voldemort, who killed her to create another Horcrux, solidifying his return.

Voldemort's Dark Resurrection

Voldemort with the Elder Wand

Voldemort, reunited with his wand, found his powers not fully restored. The climax of the Triwizard Tournament was cunningly manipulated to deliver Harry directly into Voldemort's clutches. True to his character, Harry proposed sharing the tournament's final glory with Cedric, unwittingly leading both into Voldemort's deadly snare in the graveyard.

Their unexpected arrival triggered Pettigrew to carry out Voldemort's chilling command: Cedric was mercilessly slain, and Harry was restrained for a dark ritual that rejuvenated Voldemort. Now wielding his wand anew, Voldemort tested its force on Harry, oblivious to the profound bond their wands shared.

As Voldemort aimed his final curse at Harry, the intertwined cores of their wands caused an unforeseen magical phenomenon, forcing Voldemort's wand to replay its previous spells. Seizing this unique moment, Harry dashed to safety, leaving Voldemort seething with rage at the unexpected turn of events.

The Second Magic War

With the resurgence of Voldemort, the shadow of a new war loomed, yet the Ministry of Magic dallied in admitting the looming peril until late 1996. During these tumultuous times, Voldemort's wand was instrumental in executing numerous vile deeds. Among its sinister achievements was the demise of Amelia Bones, the esteemed head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, under the scorching sun of summer 1996. The wand's terror did not wane, for by August 1, 1997, it was wielded to inflict harrowing torture upon Rufus Scrimgeour, seeking to extract the whereabouts of Harry Potter.

This wand was at the heart of a momentous clash within the Ministry's Atrium against Albus Dumbledore, marking a pivotal chapter in the Battle of the Department of Mysteries. As 1997 drew to a close, rumors circulated that Voldemort might have employed the wand in the grim murder of Bathilda Bagshot. A malevolent enchantment allowed Nagini to inhabit her corpse, setting a deadly trap for Harry Potter, a maneuver possibly orchestrated directly by Voldemort through Nagini.

The Tale of the Linked Wands

At the eerie confines of Malfoy Manor, a pivotal moment unfolded as Voldemort expressed the need for a new wand to confront Harry Potter, decisively commandeering the wand of Lucius Malfoy for this endeavor. He starkly demanded, "Your wand, Lucius. I require your wand," marking a sinister turn in his quest for dominance.

The captive wandmaker, Garrick Ollivander, had disclosed the unique connection between the wands of Voldemort and Harry Potter, specifically the shared core origins and the Priori Incantatem effect that rendered them incapable of inflicting mutual harm. To circumvent this obstacle, Voldemort temporarily adopted Lucius's wand. His first act of testing its prowess was the merciless execution of Charity Burbage, the professor of Muggle Studies at Hogwarts, showcasing the wand's lethal capability.

However, during a tense escape from 4 Privet Drive, an unprecedented event occurred: Harry's wand, seemingly with a will of its own, unleashed a powerful burst of golden flames at Voldemort, resulting in the destruction of Lucius's wand. Prior to its annihilation, this wand was instrumental in the tragic fall of Alastor Moody. Following these events, Voldemort reverted to using his original yew wand, notably employing it in a critical confrontation with Rufus Scrimgeour, the Minister for Magic at the time, who valiantly resisted Voldemort's demands for information on Harry's whereabouts.

Voldemort's Quest for Ultimate Power

Voldemort, Ollivander, and the Elder Wand

After intense interrogation of Ollivander, Voldemort uncovered the existence of the Elder Wand, a wand of unmatched might that he believed could break the stalemate caused by the Priori Incantatem with Harry's wand. His ambition wasn't merely to defeat Harry anymore; he aspired to cement his legacy as the supreme wizard by wielding the Elder Wand.

Driven by the details wrung from Ollivander, Voldemort set out on September 1, 1997, to track down the last known holder, the wandmaker Gregorovitch. Arriving at what used to be Gregorovitch's residence, he encountered a German family, ignorant of Gregorovitch's whereabouts. In a dark display of power, Voldemort eliminated the family upon learning Gregorovitch was gone. When he finally located Gregorovitch the next day, Voldemort used magic to detain him, demanding the Elder Wand. Gregorovitch claimed it had been stolen long ago, igniting Voldemort's fury.

Frustrated but determined, Voldemort delved into Gregorovitch's memories using Legilimency and discovered a young, blond thief making off with the wand. Despite Gregorovitch's inability to identify the thief, Voldemort, satisfied he had gleaned all necessary information, mercilessly ended the wandmaker's life.

The culprit turned out to be Gellert Grindelwald himself. Voldemort tracked him down to Nurmengard prison in March 1997. Grindelwald, defiant to the end, refused to divulge the Elder Wand's location, leading to his demise at Voldemort's hand. It dawned on Voldemort that the wand had passed to Albus Dumbledore, the victor over Grindelwald.

The Main Elder Wand

Voldemort's journey led him to Hogwarts, where Dumbledore was interred. There, he performed a final dark act with his own wand – breaking open Dumbledore's tomb to claim the Elder Wand. With the most powerful wand in his grasp, Voldemort abandoned his long-time companion, the yew wand, its fate after his downfall remaining a mystery. Some say that yew wands, buried alongside their masters, might sprout into protective trees over their graves.

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